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How To Beat the Winter Blues

I’m just going to say it right now. I’m not a fan of winter. If you’ve been following for any length of time you’ll probably know how much I loathe cold. I don’t like to get up in the dark to go to work and come home in the dark. My hair goes greasy in the rain. My chest is always cold. And the invariable cold I get every winter plays havoc with my sinuses. This year, though, I made a decision to try and enjoy winter more. I mean, there have to be good things about Winter, right? I asked my followers on Instagram to give me some reasons to love winter that would help me embrace the season. Here are some examples of how I can love winter more and how to beat the winter blues.

Embracing the Weather

If there’s one thing I do love about winter in Tasmania, it’s lying in bed listening to the rain on the roof or the wind howling. Now our roof doesn’t leak like a sieve it’s lovely to lay in bed and listen to the storm outside. Especially if you know you don’t have to be out in it. We have a tin roof on the farmhouse and the sound of the rain hammering down is so soothing. I’ve always loved it. I just needed to be reminded to take a minute to appreciate it. This year I plan to stop, make a cuppa and sit (or lay), and listen to the rain, to be grateful for the fact we even have it when so many live with drought in our country.

Walking is a form of exercise I enjoy, so one way I’m going to try to enjoy winter is to get out in it. I have a heavy rain jacket. Scheduling my walk as soon as I get home from work and before it gets dark will clear my head and help me beat the winter blues. It will also stop me from going straight to that comfy chair next to the fire and sitting there for hours on end watching Netflix. That cannot be good for one’s mood!

Rug Up Properly

Another way I can beat the winter blues this year is to rug up properly. I’m going to put my hand up and say I whine about the cold but often I do not get proactive and dress for the weather. You know how I loathe the ‘Tasmanian Uniform’ (as we call it) of the black puffer jacket. I might not be going to invest in one but I am going to up my game with layers under my new country-style outfits. Thermal tops and a heap of new woollen tights are what keeps me toasty warm. I just need a couple of fine merino cardis to go over my tops. Being warm and looking put together while doing it is a great way for me to feel better about winter. And let’s face it, who doesn’t love a cute scarf or beanie with an outfit?

Beat the Winter Blues by Learning

I love to read and learn new things. I’ve recently finished reading a book about YouTube and how to have a channel people want to watch (I’m so bad at posting on YT. I’m sorry. Big plans but an even bigger fear of a camera). Anyway, I have a list of books and courses I’d like to start during the rainy days of winter this year. One is a course on creating a video with my camera. Another of my goals is to reread some of my favorite classic novels. If my mind is occupied with things I enjoy, like reading and learning, the winter blues won’t be able to get a look in.

You can find my list of books I love on my Amazon Page. Many I’ve read before but would love new editions and others are ones I’d love to read and try ideas from.

Celebrate with Friends

I love to have friends visit the farm and stay the night. There’s nothing more fun to me than a group of girlfriends curled up on the couch drinking cocktails and laughing. So one way I can really banish the winter blues this year is to invite a few friends down. Given the circumstances of the last year and the fact we are in the unique position to be COVID-free in Tasmania, I should make the most of it. Maybe a Christmas in July where we share gifts? Or a special lunch? Thinking of others and spending time with them is a great way to beat the winter blues or blues at any time of year. If the weather is nice we could sit outside and rug up with an outdoor fire too. If it’s wet or cold we could eat in the dairy! I love this idea… just don’t tell my friends. I think I’ll surprise them.

image: celebrationsathome.com

Beat the Winter Blues by Trying a New Recipe

Winter is the perfect excuse to indulge in comfort food. My beer bread recipe and cinnamon and raisin bread recipes are a treat for weekends and cold days. But I’ve always wanted to learn how to make crumpets. Teamed with a bowl of homemade soup, a crumpet is the ultimate comfort food for me. Especially when it’s smothered in butter and honey. So this winter, look out for a crumpet recipe! Maybe I’ll bake some of my favourite cookies and share them too. If I’m going to indulge it’s only fair I share the love, right?

There are so many ways to embrace the winter season and learn how to banish the winter blues. These ideas might not be how you would tackle the season, but hopefully they’ll spark some inspiration and help you to enjoy winter too. Let me know how you go!

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