9 Ways To Live the Country Life When You’re Not in the Country

Wanting to quit the city and live an idyllic life far away from the crowds has had something of a resurgence in the last year. I know the real estate values in our town have doubled. The time takes to sell a property is now days not months. In some cases, homes are sold before they even hit the open market. It’s not only the germs we shall not name that have caused this shift in mindset. Many of us are after a quieter existence. We want to slow down. We want to switch off our phones, pick up a book and spend time sitting in our garden. But how do you get this feeling if you don’t live on a farm or in a little cottage in the countryside? Not everyone has the opportunity to up-sticks and move to the country. In reality, you might not even want to be that far from the city, you just want the feeling of space, slow living, and a quieter life. Here’s how you live the country life without being in the middle of nowhere.

Wear Country Style Clothing

One of the easiest ways to live the country life when you’re not in the country is to adopt a country-style wardrobe. Country clothing is all about elegance, simplicity, and practicality. It has to be. Living on a farm means you’re tending animals or working in the garden. Quite often visitors pop in for a cuppa with little notice. You can’t be changing your whole wardrobe for that. So, a mix of linen with jeans and boots you can slip in and out of. Or a dress with an apron you can take off are perfect.

To get that country life feeling in my clothing, I wear casual linen skirts or dresses, denim, and a linen shirt or two. I’ve added checks for winter and small dainty florals that won’t go out of fashion to make me feel feminine even when I’m working. Think classic styles. For footwear, I love Chelsea boots that look like workboots but could be worn with a dress to create the illusion you’ve just walked across the moors or come in from the garden are a definite must for country style.

While you’re at it, why not wear an apron while you’re doing things around the home? Whether it’s a full apron or a half, an apron will save your clothes, give you a place to pop things you pick up and is an instant dish towel. My current favourite is a bright red gingham one I made a long time ago. I’ve never worn it before but its giving me all the vibes of country life.

Bring Flowers into your Home

One of the benefits of country life is the ability to have a garden I can raid for snippets. To achieve this look in your city home, buy potted perennials such as daisies, rosemary, ivy, or lavender to put on your counter in a galvanised bucket. In late Winter or early Spring, you can find potted bulbs too. These bring the illusion of fields filled with flowers in your home. For the $13 it costs to buy a pot you will have flowers that last inside for around six weeks.

Another thing you can do is to pick whatever flowers you have and make a wildflower posy. Stick the bunch in a glass or a vintage vase and put them on your window sill. If you don’t have flowers at home maybe raid your local park or even pick some sprigs with greenery only. Anything that brings the outdoors in.

Display Fresh Produce on Your Counter

Another great thing about country life is having space to grow your own produce. Fresh eggs, fruit and vegetables are a staple of the country kitchen. Bring that vibe into your home by visiting your local farmer’s market to choose a bag of veggies, and a loaf of sourdough. Bring your purchases home and arrange them on your counter in pretty wicker baskets where you can see them. Not only does this remind you of what you have left to eat but it’s functional decorating at its best.

Get Into Baking

Since moving to Green Gate Farm I’ve got into baking in a serious way. I often bake a batch of scones if I know friends are coming. To me, nothing says more about country life than freshly baked scones wrapped in a linen tea towel to keep them warm. Topped with homemade jam and whipped cream they are the epitome of country life.

If baking isn’t your thing you can still channel this vibe with a visit to your local bakery to buy some. Likewise, a good quality store bought jam can give the feeling of homemade if you don’t have the resources to make your own.

One of the quickest ways to whip up a loaf that tastes great with jam and butter is to make beer bread. I love it. Beer Bread is super versatile and once you make your first loaf you’ll be trying all different combinations.

Plant a Herb Garden

One of the easiest ways to live the country life is to plant yourself a little herb garden. If you have no space, get some pots for your back porch or balcony. When we first moved to the farm, I had herbs planted in a large shallow bowl of herbs we use all the time: coriander, parsley and chives. They sat on the kitchen counted and lasted a season. (Because I used them up. I didn’t kill them!) Try it. Having herbs you can pluck when you need them is such a country thing to be able to do.

Live the Country Life and Get a Pet Hen

There’s nothing like the taste of fresh farm eggs. The yolks are yellow and they taste creamier. One of the ways to live the country life would be to buy free-range eggs but if you have room in your backyard why not get a hen? Hens make lovely pets. They are easy to care for and will give you an egg a day for most of the year. It’s one of the ways you can live the country life and bring a little piece of it into your own home.

Ditch the Plastic Broom

I originally bought an Ecomax Coconut Palm Broom because it looked pretty and VERY country. My intent was to hang it on the peg rail in the hall as decor. Which I did. However, one day I wanted to sweep up some dog hair and grabbed the broom because it was handy. Let me tell you, nothing sweeps like this broom. If you’re after the rustic charm of living the country life, ditch your plastic broom and buy one that’s eco-friendly, looks stunning on the wall, and is totally bio-degradable!

Live the Country Life by Using Wicker Baskets

I love wicker baskets. The texture of them adds warmth and a certain charm that’s hard to beat. To achieve your goal of living the country life you can buy second-hand baskets for almost nothing. Use them to go shopping, to stack bits of kindling for the fire or to display the vegetables you’ve bought at the market. Put one on the table and fill it with the scones you made or use it for laundry. The possibilities are endless.

Bring Some Pattern In

That country feeling whether it’s Cottage or Farm vibes you’re after can be well and truly captured in your home if you introduce patterns in the form of checks, florals, and stripes. If you like the neutral, simple farmhouse look buy items with ticking stripes in muted tones. Tea towels and cushion covers are perfect. Mix this with simple coordinating florals. If you love the cottage look make the patterns a little bolder or busier. Layer with lace. Don’t forget to use the 60/30/10 Rule to get the blend right so you’re not overpowered. Your home will feel very country if you get it right.

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